God has a way of speaking

In a world where fashion is constantly evolving, there are certain pieces that have the power to captivate us with their unique style and undeniable charm. The dress I stumbled upon was one of those pieces, effortlessly combining beauty and simplicity in its design. The soft cotton material and paisley floral print brought a touch of whimsy to the dress, while the mid-calf length and A-line styling gave it a classic and elegant feel. This dress had not only caught my eye, but also sparked my imagination. I could envision myself wearing it to a spring garden party or a romantic evening out. However, despite its allure, I chose not to try it on in the store. Instead, I allowed my imagination to run wild with the possibilities and envisioned myself in that dress, feeling confident and beautiful.

As soon as I came home, I put away my outfit and carried on with my day, completing the next item on my "to do" list. Shortly thereafter, I received an invitation to a charity function held at a beautiful country club, with a live band, simulated casino game tables, silent auction, and a lavish array of delectable food and beverages. Wearing my not tried-on dress for this occasion couldn't have been more appropriate. All I needed to do was select a lovely pair of shoes and a small wristlet purse to finish off my dress; and because I knew my size I didn't worry about it fitting. Go ahead and call me crazy, but this is how I typically shop.

I put on this floral dress that hung like if it were waiting for me to put it on because I seldom venture out.

If I may pause just for a moment and give a little more insight when I say “I seldom venture out” and why going out this evening and getting dressed up was exciting for me. I have been single for over 11 years. and as a result, I have become very conscious of the outings I make. I haven't mingled much aside for times out with my sisters and that’s usually to have dinner and catch up.

I by choice to some degree, have made the decision to be single and have taken this time to focus on myself, and Gods perfect will for my life. Although not a task easily overcome, during this time I have built a stronger relationship with God and learned how to enjoy my own company while honing in on my skills and exploring my interests using Gods’ gifts. I know when the time is right “he” will come.

So now it should make a little more sense as I continue on with my short story. (and anyone that knows me, know I enjoy talking and can be entertainingly descriptive with my words as if to bring you into the story with me) Anyhow, I was excited and looked forward to getting out and wearing my dress. However, It wasn't until I noticed myself cautiously slowing down in the mirror. It had nothing to do with the dress's fit or beauty; rather, it was all because my dress's cleavage was somewhat deeper than I had anticipated which is actually how the dress was made.

After a few minutes of staring at the dress in the mirror, I began to wonder, If I felt like dealing with the shade that would come with me having it on. After all I am a single woman and I was certain there would be some side-eyes at me for the audacity in wearing it. In that moment I contemplated whether I should wear this lovely, springy dress or make a change.
Because I am a woman that God has naturally endowed, this was a pivotal moment in my life and especially since I haven’t been out in a while wearing such a feminine dress. I always consider my presentation to be tasteful, professional, and self-respecting. I give advice on what to wear to various occasions and teach women how to respect their bodies through clothing choices. I had to ask myself. What then was the actual dilemma at hand? The event was ideal for my attire, the dress was tasteful and suited me flawlessly. It wasn’t skin tight or transparent but instead accentuated the natural attributes that God had given me to embrace and celebrate as a woman.

After having what felt like an out-of-body experience, thought to myself, “what other people might think or how it might make them feel, could not be my burden to carry and especially not that evening as I confidently finishing dressing to leave wearing the floral dress that hung on a hanger in my closet. I had to have confidence in my physical presentation at that very moment and refuse to let body shaming or insecurities of others cloud my perception of my reflection in the mirror or the person in the dress.

I had a great evening and noticed a few glances from other attendees, but it didn't matter. I felt free, strong, and confident enough to wear my dress out for the evening.  The cherry on top came when I entered the women' restroom and passed by an elderly woman, who I would venture to guess was at least in her mid to late seventies, but very poised and quite stylish . She looked at me with confidence and said, "You look stunning." I was startled by her unexpectant comment, and partially reassured by this stylish elderly woman who cared to say anything at all regarding my attire. Hearing that comment from a stranger, a woman who was at least two generations ahead of me was invigorating, even if I didn't need her validation, it was nice to hear.

That's when it dawned on me: God always has a way of having a word spoken to us during a time that we may need to hear it. The question becomes are we sensitive enough to hear and receive it when He sends it?

No, I didn’t need a compliment but as a woman sometimes you need to hear a word that feeds your soul in the moment. It was like water to a dry land. And I say this very humbly, -- “to be able to identify another confident woman and complement her on what she perceives to be that other woman's confidence takes a confident woman.”—

In today's society, the way we dress often plays a significant role in how we are perceived by others. This can lead to a dilemma for those who choose to dress modestly, as they may face judgments and misunderstandings based on their clothing choices. The pressure to conform to societal beauty standards, reinforced by traditional forms of media, can contribute to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Despite these external pressures, it is important for individuals to prioritize their own self-respect and personal beliefs when it comes to choosing how they dress. By embracing modesty and staying true to oneself, individuals can find a balance between navigating social perceptions and maintaining their self-respect. That was a brief lesson to capture for me as a single woman. No, I didn’t have to be out with a man to feel special or beautiful. And we should not look to man for validation for it is Gods opinion of us that truly matters. Whether we have on the pretty floral dress or a pair of ragged jeans, its God that looks at the inside of our hearts and sees our true worth. We are beautiful in His sight and how He has created us individually. God is so loving that He will make sure to get a affirming word to us, and will use random people to do it. (Psalm 119:105)

For that reason, I was glad that I chose to wear that lovely flowery dress that evening. People at times assume that you dress in a particular fashion in order to attract attention or to get a date, which people do it all the time. For me, this was not and has never been the case. On the contrary I chose to wear this dress because it was beautifully stylish, and appropriate, and it allowed me to embrace and celebrate my body respectfully as a woman, who just happens to be single with confidence. That night, I followed my own advice that I would give, which is what made it even more memorable and I will always remember that God has a way of speaking.

Psalm 139:14

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Make it a great day!


You are amazing!


Who are you?