Stop Fronting!

In today's society, physical appearance and transformation hold a strong allure. The media, celebrities, and social media platforms constantly bombard us with images of the ideal body and the promise of a better self through physical transformation. This is when you find many people trying to front and be someone they are not in order to fit in and be accepted..

Over my career, I have been fortunate to meet some quite interesting people, and through engaging in meaningful conversations with them, I have discovered the richness and complexity of the human experience. I have come to realize that conversing with others goes beyond superficial interactions and allows for a deep exploration of thoughts, emotions, and perspectives. Conversations have the power to reveal a person's true character, beliefs, and values. By delving into conversations, I have learned not to judge a person by their external posture but instead come to learn more about them by having simple conversation

In a society that often places a high emphasis on outward appearances, it is crucial to explore the concept of inward beauty and its impact on self-worth and personal fulfillment. Spiritual well-being displays how well individuals live in harmony with themselves, others, nature, and God. Instead of solely focusing on external beauty, individuals should seek to cultivate inner qualities such as love, equity, optimism, and faith. This approach is far greater than attempting to find true value in what you see outwardly.

There are a lot of broken individuals on this earth who are simply beautiful outwardly and have such ugly dispositions about themselves inwardly. What good is it to spend all this money on cosmetic surgeries and beauty treatments if you fail to pour into what truly matters? By embracing the concept of inward beauty, individuals can prioritize personal growth and self-acceptance.

In a world that constantly bombards us with images of unrealistic beauty standards and encourages us to alter our appearance, it is important to pause and reflect on the true value and beauty of God's creation. Using cosmetic surgery or other means to change our physical appearance should not be the default response to societal pressures. Instead, we should embrace and celebrate the unique features and qualities that God has blessed us with. By doing so, we reject the notion that our worth is solely based on our external appearance. As women, we are more than our bodies. We are multifaceted individuals with diverse talents, strengths, and qualities that go beyond our physical attributes. We should not seek validation or acceptance from others based on how closely we resemble societal beauty standards. Rather, we should surround ourselves with people who appreciate and love us for who we truly are, and focus on cultivating inner beauty - the beauty that radiates from our character, kindness, and grace.

If you are a single woman, give yourself time to seek God and His will for your life. Give yourself time to establish your worth as you discover how valuable you are and what you bring to the table. It will be easier for you to move on from people and things that don't value your presence when you are clear about who you are. Never put yourself in circumstances where you are tolerated, shamed, dismissed or disrespected; instead, take time to care for yourself and develop into a virtuous woman who is respected and celebrated. You will discover that true beauty is not having a bunch of cosmetic surgeries to change your eye color, facial features, waistline, butt or breasts, or going on these wild fad diets that all contribute to your mental health silently being under attack. There are companies that invest millions of dollars yearly in advertisements to convince consumers otherwise.

Let your true beauty shine from within and it will transform your natural beauty outwardly. You will not have to front and pretend to be someone that God did not create you to be or change how He sculpted you to look and you will find that you are beautiful and value is far greater than rubies as a daughter of the most High God.

Proverbs 3:15-17

She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare to her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.

Make it a great day!


Family Blues


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